Can Insulated Metal Panels Be Repainted?

Insulated metal panels come in a wide variety of options. And lucky for us, the majority of insulated metal panels come pre-finished. You may have even been told that these surfaces never need to be painted again! While the factory coatings on these surfaces are durable, nothing lasts forever. Over time, they can chalk and erode, leading to fading of color and a loss of gloss. In extreme cases, the underlying metal can be exposed and rusting may occur. Begging the question…can insulated metal panels be repainted?

Repainting Insulated Metal Panels

That’s right! Insulated metal panels can indeed be repainted and restored back to their former glory. It just takes a little work:

  • Surface Preparation: As with all exterior projects, proper surface preparation is paramount. Begin by thoroughly cleaning your metal panels of all loose dirt, chalk, and other contaminants. This can be done by hand washing with warm, soapy water or with the use of a high-pressure washer. 
  • Apply The Paint: There are many different types of factory applied coatings used on metal panels. Most wear down to a surface that will allow repaint coatings to adhere to the surface. A test patch is recommended before applying your paint to the entire surface. You can use acrylic latex paint or oil-based alkyd paint; just make sure you buy one that is specifically designed to paint a metal panel. 
  • Pro Tips: Sometimes you may need to prime the surface, which will ensure that rust will not creep through and that the paint will stick. You may need a roller designed for corrugated panels, or to make things easy an airless paint sprayer will apply a clean, even coating of paint along the entire surface. A sprayer will also get the job done in a fraction of the time and use less paint as well.

Now that you have all of the information you need, it’s time to begin the painting process. Either hire a professional to help you out or grab a friend and the necessary supplies, and you can get started. 

Need more guidance when it comes to your metal panels? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you along the way! Contact us today at 519-451-7663 or

Are Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs) Cheaper Than Lumber?

Are you in the conceptualization phase of your construction project? If so, you have probably spent a lot of time considering which building material is right for you. Timber, brick, concrete, IMPs, SIPs…the options are seemingly endless. Of the many concerns you may have – durability, assembly difficulty – cost of materials is likely top of the list. Which brings us to one of the more popular comparisons. Are insulated metal panels cheaper than lumber?

Upfront Cost of IMPs

There are several contributing factors to the upfront cost of IMPs. These include the thickness of the panel, weight and snow load requirements, degree of fire resistance, and whether the panel will be used as a wall, for the floor, or for the roof. Also bear in mind the many customizations available. A blank panel with no customization will cost much less than one which is highly-customized and completely factory-finished. In general you can expect IMPs to cost $20 to $30 per square foot of living space. While up front costs may be a bit higher with IMPs than with lumber, it’s important to realize that’s only one part of the equation.

Reduced Labor Costs

Building with IMPs can decrease framing labor by as much as 55% over conventional construction! Such a significant impact to overall cost ought not be overlooked when tallying up construction costs. Factor in that pre-cut and pre-finished panels require less manpower to erect, while window and door installation is also less labor-intensive, further diminishing labor costs. 

Quicker Construction Time

While unloading and staging the panels takes time, the ease with which they fit together is less laborious and time-consuming than stick-framing a structure. Overall, studies show a 50% decrease in onsite construction time. Once again leading to reduced labor costs.

Reduced Waste and Improved Efficiency

Conventional construction accounts for 40% of the waste in landfills. But when you build with IMPs, onsite waste is nearly eliminated. This is due to several factors. Prefabricated panels mean no cutting or trimming is necessary, and little additional materials are needed for things such as insulation or structural support. And thanks to their airtightness, IMPs minimize heat loss or gain in a new home, increase comfort, and save money in the long run.

So are IMPs cheaper to build with than lumber? While the initial materials cost may be slightly higher than lumber, the sum total of all the reduced construction costs make them less expensive in the long term. Contact us at or 1.855.838.9393 to see if we have an insulated metal panel that’s right for you.

Top Reasons To Choose Insulated Metal Panels

When it comes to choosing building materials, you have a multitude of options. But when you want that building to provide superior durability and surpass building codes, you have Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs). This all-in-one construction medium can be utilized to create a structure that is one-in-a-million. Why else should you choose Insulated Metal Panels for your next project?

Code Compliance

Fire-resistant, LEED certified, load bearing, wind and impact resistant… In terms of safety and environmental requirements, nothing comes close to IMPs. IMPs provide the ultimate building envelope protection for even the toughest environments. Metal panels not only comply within code, but will continue to perform the entirety of their lifespan. Especially in terms of energy efficiency!


Insulated Metal Panels can be used anywhere! From wall cladding to roofing structures – even flooring. Combine this versatility with a wide variety of colors, finishes and profiles that offer a generous palette of design choices. Because of their strength, they also require less structural support, leading to a more open interior. And because IMPs are all-in-one, you can say goodbye to interior drywall and framing.

Speed and Ease of Installation

Time is money! IMPs are easy to install because they can be manufactured to wider widths and longer lengths. With less panels to hoist and lift into place, installation time can be reduced and finished with more ease than traditional wall systems. And since they are pre-fabricated and shipped directly to the site, build time is streamlined from the very start of your project!

Moisture Resistant

When fastened and sealed correctly, the panel system is impermeable to the elements. Like a Thermos holds cold water inside without condensation on the outside, an IMP delivers a comfortable interior for occupants without thermal energy loss and moisture penetration. 

Ultimately, choosing IMPs is a sound investment that will deliver efficient construction, energy savings, design flexibility, and so much more. If you’re looking for a durable, sustainable, and low maintenance building material, IMPs are your first choice. Contact us at or 1.855.838.9393 to see if we have a panel that’s right for you.

Do Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs) Save On Heating Costs?

insulated metal panels heating costs

Whether a home, a facility, or an office – building owners are always looking for a way to improve the energy efficiency of their structure. Pair this with stringent building codes, and it may seem impossible to source a material that checks all the boxes. Enter the quintessential insulated metal panel (IMP). IMPs are durable, sustainable, easy to assemble, and energy efficient. So how do IMPs save on heating costs, and what other ways are they energy efficient?

How Insulated Metal Panels Save On Heating Costs

Technically, using IMPs can increase the thermal efficiency of a wall system by eliminating thermal short-circuits that are encountered with traditional stud and batt insulation walls. Basically, because IMPs require less material to create an outer barrier, insulation, and inner wall, there are less opportunities for the inner air to escape; and, vice versa, the outer air to infiltrate. Because the interior climate is able to stay contained, your HVAC appliances don’t have to work as hard to compensate for the air that would normally escape. All resulting in – lower heating and cooling costs!

Ensuring Energy Efficiency In Your Building

Like any building, focusing on the areas where there are openings is key to energy efficiency. This means windows, doors, skylights, and anywhere else your IMPs may have needed to be penetrated. Ensuring these areas are properly sealed pays off in short term comfort and long term costs.

Does This Mean My Building Will Be Hot In Summer?

Nope! Contrary to popular belief, metal buildings and roofs don’t make your home hotter during the Summer. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Metal roofs have a low thermal mass, which means rather than absorb light and heat, they’re built to reflect these elements. Resulting in a cooler, energy-efficient home all Summer long. So yes – IMPs can help you see energy savings year round!

Energy Efficiency From Production

The energy efficiency of IMPs starts long before they are being assembled on the job site. For starters, IMPs are produced using recycled materials. Because they are made to fit, this also reduces energy used to create other materials, the energy used to assemble them together, and can even eliminate material waste. Thanks to their low thermal mass, IMPs can even reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect!

Wanting to save on those high heating costs for your building? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to discuss your options! Contact us today at 519-451-7663 or

Home Design Using Insulated Metal Panels

Home design has progressed. In the past, architects and designers had little say in the production of building materials. But now, designers, architects, and homeowners are more mindful of the effects their construction materials create. That is why insulated metal panels (IMPs) are gaining ground in the building industry. IMPs are cost-effective, sustainable, environment-friendly and capable of standing the test of time. So how do you best design a home using IMPs?

Consider The Style

Available in a variety of colors and profile shapes, IMPs are able to meet a wide range of varying design preferences. IMPs even boast a multitude of finishes resembling traditional construction materials, such as precast concrete, stucco, masonry and more. When designing your home, consider how you want the facade to look, and how you can integrate metal panels into that facade.

Consider Insulation Requirements

When it comes to home design using insulated metal panels, you may also want to mix in some single skin metal panels for aesthetic purposes. This gives you greater control over where insulation is needed, and avoids spending money on IMPs where a single skin may be more suitable. 

Consider Durability 

The facings of IMPs already function as finished surfaces, while at the same time, provide air, weather, thermal and vapor protection for exterior walls. They also require far less load bearing than traditional building materials. Meaning when you design your home using IMPs, you can design an open floor plan that needs far less materials.

More Than Just A Wall

Insulated metal panels can be used as exterior cladding, roofing, and even flooring! Meaning all these areas of your home or building can be constructed quickly and more efficiently than traditional building materials. IMPs can even be designed with the ability for utilities to run through them, meaning no drilling!

There’s no doubt, insulated metal panels are the future of building construction and design. If you want an IMP system for your own home, feel free to get in touch with us. Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you along the way! Contact us today at 1.855.838.9393 or

Can IMPs Decrease Construction Time?

New construction can be an intimidating project to undertake. From flooring to wiring, there are so many details that go into the planning of a home or building. Not to mention the execution; which is a process that can vary dramatically depending on which material you choose to build with. A house constructed of wood, concrete, or insulated metal panels will all require different methods of planning and timelines. Which leaves the question – can any of these materials, such as insulated metal panels, decrease construction time?

Insulated Metal Panels Are Quicker & Cheaper!

The short answer is yes! A building constructed using metal panels can be erected far quicker than buildings using timber or concrete. You can expect construction time of a building utilizing metal panels to be reduced, both by time and by dollars, by about 20% to 40%

How Do IMPs Decrease Construction Time?

Insulated metal panels arrive pre-manufactured and pre-engineered – ready for construction. This means they are already precise in measurement, and simply need to be placed together. Not only does this save time on the job site, but also significantly reduces the necessary amount of material that’s needed to build. Meaning less waste and a lower carbon footprint. Because IMPs do not require as much load bearing support, construction with them also allows more flexibility for an open floor plan.

IMPs Aren’t Just For Walls

Insulated metal panels can be used as exterior cladding, roofing, and even flooring! Meaning all these areas of your home or building can be constructed quickly and more efficiently than traditional building materials. If aesthetics are a concern, rest your mind knowing IMPs come in a wide range of styles, materials, and finishes.

Not only do insulated metal panels decrease construction time, but overall construction and labor costs as well. Wondering if insulated panels are right for you? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you! Contact us today at 519-451-7663 or

Are Insulated Panels Suitable for All Weather?

Are Insulated Panels Suitable for All Weather

If you are looking for a strong, high performing building material – look no further than insulated metal panels (IMPs). IMPs are known for their durability, energy efficiency, and sustainability. But you may be wondering if that durability stands up to the different elements, especially in a time of climate change. Whether you live in the rugged mountains or dry desert, we’re breaking down exactly how an insulated metal panel will perform in your region. 

Rainy Climates

Nothing makes a home or building owner run faster than the thought of water damage. Moisture ending up where it shouldn’t can lead to detrimental and costly building repairs. But there’s good news. If you live in an area that experiences high amounts of precipitation, metal panels can be one of the best construction materials for you. Metal panels shed water like a pro, don’t retain any moisture, and are far from the rust ridden idea you may have in your head..

Windy Environments

Wind has a mind of its own, but some areas can expect high-speed winds more than others. This especially becomes a cause for concern when you are exploring your roofing options. Luckily, IMPs create a structurally sound roofing solution that can stand up against the most severe windy conditions.

Heavy Snow Prone Climates

Looking at you, Toronto! Heavy amounts of snow over a small period of time can be quite stressful on your roof and structure as a whole. Aside from the weight load, snow can threaten a home’s moisture barrier. That’s why lightweight metal panels were designed to withstand heavy snow loads; maintaining their individual strength and causing far less stress on your building as a whole. Concerned about hail? IMPs also come in varying degrees of thickness that contribute to their ability to withstand impact.

Wondering which type of metal panel we’d recommend for your environment? Get in touch with one of our Specialists today. Our team can make expert recommendations for your home or building, and even steer you in the right direction based on your desired style. Contact us at or 1.855.838.9393.

How Long Can A Roof Made Of Insulated Panels Last?

Lifespan of Insulated Roof Panel

The use of insulated panels can span far beyond commercial applications. Homeowners are beginning to enjoy the benefits of insulated panels too! Insulated roof panels are not only economical, but also provide unrivaled R-values and energy efficiency. Who  doesn’t enjoy utility bills? What else do IRPs bring to the table, and how long can you expect your roof to last when utilizing them?

1. What Are Insulated Roof Panels?

Insulated roof panels consist of metal panels with steel skins and an insulating foam core. This foam core, usually PIR or PUR foam, adds a layer of insulation to buildings which increases their overall energy efficiency. Insulated roof panels are not only known for their superior thermal properties, but also their design flexibility, strength, and quick installation time.

2. What Makes Insulated Roof Panels So Durable?

Insulated roof panels are weather-sealed and provide a strong thermal and moisture barrier. This makes them far less susceptible to damage from the elements overtime. Wood shingles can and do weather and in addition, mold, and moss has a tendency grow on the shingles which are in shaded areas. Concrete tile roofs may seem like the most durable roofing material, however, they suffer from problems brought on by freeze/thaw cycles in northern climates. 

3. How Long Do Metal Roof Panels Last?

Overall, IRPs provide a long lifespan that can be upwards of 60 years. Many even come with a 50 year warranty. Compare this with the 12 to 20 year lifespan of premium traditional roofing materials. With insulated roof panels, your home shouldn’t need a roof replacement for a long time. 

4. Speaking Of Elements, IRPs are Fire-Resistant.

Additionally, metal roof panels provide exceptional fire resistance. The panels are made from non-combustible steel, preventing the spread of fire to your house. Fire-resistant roofing is a must if you’re located in an area that’s prone to wildfires.

5. IRPs Are Cost-Effective.

If you are looking to maximize your ROI, IRPs should be your first choice of roofing material. The use of these panels results in far less utility costs and maintenance investment over time. Providing you with significant cost savings in the long run compared to traditional roofing materials.

Planning to install a metal roof? We can help. Contact our qualified team of professionals at 519-451-7663 or

Which Projects Are Best For IMPs?

Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs) are the ultimate option for a single step, factory insulated, energy saving construction material. IMPs are an all-in-one single element panel system that can be used for walls, partitions, ceilings, and even roof applications. The leading innovative structural material, metal panels are durable, economical and quick to install. So which construction projects find themselves utilizing IMPs the most?

Commercial or Industrial Buildings

Recreational buildings, manufacturing facilities, even institutional and government buildings are all excellent candidates for construction with IMP. Large schools or retail centers can directly benefit from the excellent insulation and energy efficiency of IMPs. The ease of installation means these buildings can also be completed more quickly than when using traditional construction materials. 

Architecturally Unique Buildings

From an architectural design standpoint, IMPs offer a superior advantage. With these panels, architects can incorporate tailored shapes, unique colors or finishes, and an endless array of custom fabrication. This can mean curved panels, trimless ends, or unexpected integrated materials. When incorporating IMPs, you are also incorporating multiple applications and design opportunities. Designers and architects everywhere can truly create one-of-a-kind buildings.

Climate Controlled Facilities

IMPs are considered the ultimate solution for climate-controlled facilities. Whether that’s a greenhouse, storage building, distribution facility, or a manufacturing plant. IMPs have the ability to meet your specific thermal performance need. Aside from varying thicknesses, high performance coatings can be applied to improve the buildings energy efficiency. For buildings dealing with perishable items, special panels and joint designs can be utilized to meet hygiene and contamination requirements.

Insulated Roofs

Roofs constructed with IMPs provide the greatest insulation, simplest maintenance, and longest life. Add in that roofs also boast the quickest installation for commercial and industrial roofing applications. The essentially two-step installation process speeds means less labor and reduces the materials required for construction; lowering the overall carbon footprint of the roof.

Top of the line insulation, accelerated construction timelines, and environmentally responsible; there really is no building project that wouldn’t benefit from utilizing Insulated Metal Panels. Are you considering IMPs for your next building project? Contact our qualified team of professionals at 519-451-7663 or

Can You Build a Home Faster with Insulated Panels?

If your home or building is constructed using insulated panels, you may be wondering why all buildings aren’t constructed this way. Insulated panels create homes and structures that are durable and energy efficient. And once the siding is installed, it is impossible to differentiate a house constructed from IMPs with a conventional one. But are these panels quicker for construction than their timber counterparts?

The Answer Is Yes!

Homes using insulated panels can be constructed considerably quicker than traditionally framed buildings.  A properly trained Structural Insulated Panels (SIP) installation crew can cut framing time by as much as 55%! But what makes construction with these panels so much quicker?

What Is A SIP?

SIPs are an advanced method of construction consisting of an insulating foam core, sandwiched between two structural facings. This kind of panel can be used for walls, roofing and floors. Because these panels are pre-manufactured and easy to erect, construction time is drastically reduced.

7-Day Build

When using SIPS, construction of a typical two-story home will take between five and seven days. This is because SIPs are pre-manufactured to your own requirements. This saves both builders and architects a lot of time on site, while further reducing the number of materials needed for a similar size build. Simply slot the panels together on site and voila! And because less supporting structure is needed, these panels also allow for a more open floor plan.

SIP Flooring?

Yep, these panels can also be used for flooring. They are even designed with the ability for utilities to run through them, meaning no drilling. If aesthetic is a concern, fear not. These panels range in style from metal to timber. And the best part? This flooring can be installed in a matter of hours opposed to the 3 days conventional flooring takes.

It’s not just construction time you can save when building with insulated panels. Builders will also enjoy decreased construction and labor costs, while homeowners will enjoy continuous insulation and better control over air quality. Wondering if insulated panels are right for you? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to help you! Contact us today at 519-451-7663 or