Do Insulated Metal Panels (IMPs) Save On Heating Costs?

insulated metal panels heating costs

Whether a home, a facility, or an office – building owners are always looking for a way to improve the energy efficiency of their structure. Pair this with stringent building codes, and it may seem impossible to source a material that checks all the boxes. Enter the quintessential insulated metal panel (IMP). IMPs are durable, sustainable, easy to assemble, and energy efficient. So how do IMPs save on heating costs, and what other ways are they energy efficient?

How Insulated Metal Panels Save On Heating Costs

Technically, using IMPs can increase the thermal efficiency of a wall system by eliminating thermal short-circuits that are encountered with traditional stud and batt insulation walls. Basically, because IMPs require less material to create an outer barrier, insulation, and inner wall, there are less opportunities for the inner air to escape; and, vice versa, the outer air to infiltrate. Because the interior climate is able to stay contained, your HVAC appliances don’t have to work as hard to compensate for the air that would normally escape. All resulting in – lower heating and cooling costs!

Ensuring Energy Efficiency In Your Building

Like any building, focusing on the areas where there are openings is key to energy efficiency. This means windows, doors, skylights, and anywhere else your IMPs may have needed to be penetrated. Ensuring these areas are properly sealed pays off in short term comfort and long term costs.

Does This Mean My Building Will Be Hot In Summer?

Nope! Contrary to popular belief, metal buildings and roofs don’t make your home hotter during the Summer. In fact, it’s quite the opposite! Metal roofs have a low thermal mass, which means rather than absorb light and heat, they’re built to reflect these elements. Resulting in a cooler, energy-efficient home all Summer long. So yes – IMPs can help you see energy savings year round!

Energy Efficiency From Production

The energy efficiency of IMPs starts long before they are being assembled on the job site. For starters, IMPs are produced using recycled materials. Because they are made to fit, this also reduces energy used to create other materials, the energy used to assemble them together, and can even eliminate material waste. Thanks to their low thermal mass, IMPs can even reduce the Urban Heat Island Effect!

Wanting to save on those high heating costs for your building? Our qualified team of professionals would be happy to discuss your options! Contact us today at 519-451-7663 or